Dear friends of KSDL,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the KSDL members for your ongoing support and to invite all friends of KSDL to join in the support of our temple, Karma Sonam Dargye Ling. Your contribution is integral in ensuring that the activity of KSDL carries on according to the wishes of The Venerable Lama Namse Rinpoche, the founder of KSDL, and His Holiness The 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the head of the Karma Kagyu lineage.
KSDL has seen many changes over its forty year history and now needs your support more than ever as we enter this new phase in our development. Fundraising efforts are well underway to raise money for the building of our new, traditionally styled Tibetan temple which will provide a Canadian home for His Holiness the 17th Karmapa and a modern, spacious sanctuary for Canadians of all backgrounds to study and practice the dharma.
We fully expect that this fundraising may take several years. In the meantime, it is necessary that we have monthly funding to cover our day-to-day expenses so we can carry on our daily dharma activities at 12 Maynard Ave.
Your contribution will help to cover the monthly operational costs of the temple, ensuring that our weekly and monthly schedules carry on as always and that we are in a position to host and accommodate such visitors as The Venerable Khenpo Tsulnam Rinpoche, His Holiness the Sakya Trizin, Her Eminence Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche and more. To host these events we need to maintain our present location of 12 Maynard Ave as well as possible, to have the grounds landscaped and well cared for and everything inside in good working order and suitably maintained. KSDL requires ongoing funding to keep the shrine room supplied with texts, candles, butter lamps, torma making materials, cushions, etc, and to buy food for monks and the attendees of day long events such as the monthly Long Chod Practice. We also have the usual costs of operating a house such as hydro, heating and taxes.
A small donation by each of many people can make the worries of meeting these expenses disappear, so that we can keep our savings for the building fund intact and focus on our long term vision that ultimately will benefit so many people in this lifetime and beyond.
Please consider a membership which could be a dollar a day or less. Together we can ensure that KSDL will thrive far into the future. Someday
His Holiness the Karmapa will come to visit us, his Canadian Seat, and we will have his suite prepared - ema ho, how wondrous that day will be.
Thank you very much for any support you would like to pledge.
Tashi Deleg,
With great respect to all and best Dharma wishes,
Lama Tenzin,
and the KSDL Board of Directors
All membership pledges are welcome.
Memberships can be paid in a lump sum by cheque made out to Karma Sonam Dargye Ling or by a series of post dated cheques. With a void cheque and an application form, automatic banking withdrawals can be arranged. Forms are available at KSDL in the foyer or email tenzinksdl@gmail.com
KSDL appreciates memberships paid by Autodebit to ensure our monthly costs are covered. All those who join with with an autodebit membership will receive lower rates and a gift book upon commencement of the membership.
$30 per month – Suggested basic membership
$15 per month – For students, seniors, and those on a fixed income
$45 per month – Supporting Membership
$95 per month – Sustaining Membership
$45 per month - Family Membership (2 adults and children under 19 yrs living in the same home)
$35 per month – Suggested basic membership
$20 per month – For students, seniors, and those on a fixed income
$50 per month – Supporting Membership
$100 per month – Sustaining Membership
$55 per month - Family Membership (2 adults and children under 19 yrs living in the same home)
All members are entitled to substantial discounts at teachings and events and are also invited to special Members Only dinners and teachings with visiting teachers. All members are also invited to provide a photo of themselves which will be presented to His Holiness the 17th Karmapa when Lama Tenzin meets with him during the Monlam Prayers, so that His Holiness can see the faces of those who are supporting the Karma Kagyu lineage in Canada. All donations are tax deductible and all members will receive a tax receipt. Thank you for your generosity.
Karma Sonam Dargye Ling’s bank is TD Canada Trust, 521 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, Ontario M6C 1A1. Telephone: 416-653-3507. The number of the KSDL Account is 1760-5202197. The branch code for the St. Clair branch is 17602. INTERAC EMAIL MONEY TRANSFERS Please send via email: finance@ksdl.org
Please make out cheques to Karma Sonam Dargye Ling (not KSDL) and send or deliver to Karma Sonam Dargye Ling 12 Maynard Ave, Toronto, ON. M6K 2Z9. Please indicate what it is a donation for. Please do not send cash in the mail.
Please specify under “Add special instructions to the seller” the donation category; for example, new temple project, or membership. If left blank, the donation will be considered as a general donation towards the temple. Thank you.
Karma Sonam Dargye Ling (KSDL) is a registered charity organization under Canada Revenue Agency and the Charitable Registration number is 118977867RR0001. Your donation is tax deductible. We appreciate your kindness and generosity.