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  • GREEN TARA - Saturdays at 10am (link below)

  • CALLING THE LAMA FROM AFAR, WHITE TARA & CHENREZIG - Sundays at 10am (link below)

  • CALM ABIDING MEDITATION - Tuesdays at 7pm (link on Teachings Page)

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Transforming the Mind Through Meditation & LoJong - Teachings by Lama Tenzin

Four Saturdays in November at 1:30pm - Nov. 2, 9, 16 & 23, 2024

(In-person and online)


Lojong was originally brought to Tibet by the great Indian Buddhist Teacher Atisha. The Lojong is a mind training in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and is based upon a set of aphorisms formulated in Tibet in the 12th century by Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje. The practice involves refining and purifying one’s motivations and attitudes. The 59 proverbs that form the root text of the mind training practice are designed as a set of antidotes to undesired mental habits that cause suffering.


“The initial verse teaches that all living beings are more important than a precious wish-fulfilling jewel. Why so? They are indispensable for achieving the highest aim, the level of Buddhahood. We take refuge, generate bodhicitta, and then, through meditating on benefiting others and developing our bodhichitta, we become fully awakened. Since living beings assist us in this process, they are like a precious gem.”    

Quote from HH Karmapa, on the Practice of Lojong


All are welcome to attend the teachings, both in-person and online via Zoom. By donation.




KARMA PAKSHI - Sat. Oct. 12 at 1:30pm

MEDICINE BUDDHA & CHOD - Thu. Oct. 17 at 6pm

MAHAKALA - Thu. Oct. 29 at 1:30pm



KARMA PAKSHI - Mon. Nov. 11 at 6pm

MEDICINE BUDDHA & CHOD - Fri. Nov. 15 at 6pm 

MAHAKALA - Fri. Nov. 29 at 6pm



KARMA PAKSHI - Tue. Dec. 10 at 6pm

MEDICINE BUDDHA & CHOD - Sun. Dec. 15 at 1:30pm

MAHAKALA - Sun. Dec. 29 at 1:30pm


Saturday, November 30 & Sunday, December 1, 2024


All are welcome to participate in the annual Amitabha puja commemorating the life of the founding Resident Lama of Karma Sonam Dargye Ling, the Venerable Choje Lama Namse Rinpoche. Pujas will take place daily from 10am to 4pm. There will be a midday break for a vegetarian lunch, sponsored by KSDL.


This year His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa will be teaching online from the 24th of July until the 30th of August.

The teachings can be viewed  at Facebook “Karmapa” and  YouTube “Karmapa-teachings”. They will be given in Tibetan, and translation in various languages will be provided.

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NYUNGNE RETREAT KSDL is presenting two Nyungne fasting retreats at the KSDL Retreat Centre this coming May. The Nyungne Retreat is a purification practice performed during Saga Dawa, the commemoration of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and passing into paranirvana.  Space is limited, so please reserve a spot early by return email if you'd like to participate. Please see dates and times below.  LOCATION The KSDL Retreat Centre 3051 County Rd 42, Creemore ON L0M 1G0 ​ NYUNGNE RETREAT DATES RETREAT #1 Sat. May 18 at 5am to Mon. May 20, 2024 at 5am RETREAT #2  Mon. May 20, 2024 at 5am to Wed. May 22, 2024 at 5am Note: You must be on your cushion at the retreat centre at 5am each day as the vows are taken at dawn. You are encouraged to stay nearby or at the retreat centre the night before. ​ REGISTRATION & FEE There is a limit of 21 spaces so to reserve your place please confirm with Valerie at Suggested Donation: $108 total (includes one or both nyunges) Please specify if you are signing up for the Ist or 2nd retreat or both. May the blessings of the Buddha be upon you all. Best wishes and tashi delek! Valerie  for Lama Tenzin and KSDL MARCH MILAREPA Tuesday, March 5, 6pm MAHAKALA Saturday, March 9, 2pm KARMA PAKSHI Tuesday, March 19, 6pm MEDICINE BUDDHA & CHOD Monday, March 25 6pm APRIL MILAREPA Thursday, April 4, 6pm MAHAKALA  Sunday, April 7, 2pm KARMA PAKSHI Thursday, April 18, 6pm MEDICINE BUDDHA & CHOD Tuesday, April 23, 6pm MAY MILAREPA Friday, May 3, 6pm MAHAKALA Tuesday, May 7, 6pm NYUNGNE RETREAT #1  Saturday May 18, 7am - Monday, May 20, 7am NYUNGNE RETREAT #2 Monday, May 20, 7am - Wednesday, May 22, 7am MEDICINE BUDDHA & CHOD Thursday, May 23, 6pm MILAREPA Sunday, May 26, 2pm WEEKLY PUJAS GREEN TARA Saturdays at 10am WHITE TARA & CHENREZIG Sundays at 11am CALM ABIDING Tuesday at 7pm (Online only) ​ ***UPCOMING IN JUNE*** NORTH AMERICAN KAGYU MONLAM 3-DAY PRAYER FESTIVAL Friday, June 7 to Sunday, June 9

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This year, from February 3rd to 29th, nuns from the Kagyu shedras will gather for a month of teachings and debate under the direction of the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa. In addition to a daily schedule of classes and debates, the Spring Teachings will feature teachings by Gyalwang Karmapa on the 50 verses on the Guru.

The teachings can be viewed  at Facebook “Karmapa” and  YouTube “Karmapa-teachings”. They will be given in Tibetan, and translation in various languages will be provided.



Happy New Year from Karma Sonam Dargye Ling! Lama Tenzin and Lama Galo returned safely yesterday from Tibet, and they send their best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy and successful 2024. Thank you to all KSDL volunteers and donors for your support in 2023. We look forward to an active 2024 at KSDL - save the date, this year's Monlam Prayer Ceremony will be June 22 to 24. Karmapa Khyenno!! Warmest regards and tashi delek! from Lama Tenzin and the Board of Directors at Karma Sonam Dargye Ling

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We have previously announced the acquisition of our new retreat centre to KSDL members, and we are happy to report that the renovations are nearing completion. We will be making plans soon for the KSDL member's open house.  Here is more info for everyone who is interested in the activity of KSDL.

KSDL has recently purchased a new retreat centre just south of Georgian Bay, close to Wasaga Beach and Collingwood, 3 km from the town of Creemore. The new KSDL Retreat Centre is a four bedroom building situated on 5.8 acres of land. The property contains several forests, two ponds, landscaped lawns and well maintained perennial gardens. The main house has two kitchens, a dining room, living room, three washrooms, a laundry room, and space for a shrine room which the KSDL Lamas are presently working on. The sleeping accommodations include several bedrooms with many beds including bunk beds. There is a cabin in the gardens, and plenty of space on the property for camping.The house was purchased furnished and in good condition. We are presently installing insulation and renovating the lower kitchen. The property has sweeping views of the surrounding rolling farmland and forests in a beautiful area of Ontario known as the Purple Hills. We look forward to offering many regular retreats at the new Centre. Donations toward the purchase and renovation of this worthwhile project will be very much appreciated.

Green Tara Puja

Green Tara Puja

White Tara Puja

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